Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Y: The Last Man to be a Trilogy?

In a fantastic interview with Disturbia director D.J. Caruso, USA Today uncovered some hints about the future of the comic-to-film adaptation. The director says that he wants to split the films up into a possible trilogy, citing the epic length of the series as the main reason.

"We kind of gave it a different arc. Where this series [the comic book, the last issue comes out next week] ends, hopefully, would be, like, the third movie. It's so dense...there's so much great s--t in there...and what I think sort of hurt it before was they were trying to throw everything in, including the kitchen sink."

If they are going to make a movie out of this, they better do it right. I like the concept of the series as a trilogy, especially since there are 60 issues worth of material to contend with. This isn't a small project. For those of you still not familiar, Y: The Last Man follows Yorick Brown and his pet monkey Ampersand, the last males on Earth after a plague kills everything else on the planet with a Y chromosome. Read the first issue for free here. Highly recommended.

Although the casting of Shia LaBeouf in the lead role of Yorick has not been confirmed yet, Caruso immediately thought of his young star when he read the series for the first time and they've gone through preliminary casting talks. Caruso says he wants Y: The Last Man to be the next project he works on after wrapping up post-production on Eagle Eye (also starring LaBeouf), which is set to come out in August.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

This sounds awesome...I loved Disturbia and LaBeouf is a stud. Can't wait.

This site is phenomenal Ben.